Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In the days of Noah those who would be saved had to enter the Ark. Just believing was not enough. Today, the Elect must enter the Holy of Holies where the Ark is waiting for those who have overcome; those who have pressed their way past the inner courts through the Holy Place on into the Holy of Holies to become those ‘beams in the Upper Chamber’. 

The ‘shadows’, ‘types’ and ‘replicas’ given to us in the Hebrew Scriptures gave us a ‘view’ and ‘highway’ into restoration back to the Divine Creator and our Life-Purpose. 

Solomon’s Temple was an exact replica of the Dwelling place of the Most High that shows us the Way back to Zion. These beams represent the enlightened and awakened ones  as the Foundations who minister continually in Word and Truth. “He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind; He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His Ministers. He established the earth upon its foundations so that it will not totter forever and ever." 

The prophetic usage for ‘water’ represents people. The ‘clouds’ represents the Ancient Ones, the ‘Clouds of Witnesses’ who has gone on before us. The messengers are divine guides, what we call angaels and those who reside in the heavenly spiritual realms. The Flames of Fire are those walking in Christhood who minister in Word and deed.

We are a letter, known and read by all men. We are to be manifested as a letter, as an epistle of a Christ written not with ink, but with the Spirit in Life and love. Not on tablets of a stony heart but on tablets of a renewed heart--the heart is the mind. If therefore, our hearts are renewed, having been enlightened with the mind of  a Christ, we have this confidence as a Christ. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything is coming from us, but our adequacy comes from the Divine Creator, who has made us recipients as joint-heir and Inheritors of the New Covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit. 

In short, what does this mean” ;  ‘of a New Covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit’? This simply means that the ‘letter’ or the documents which are contained within the Old Will was made New and alive in us through Spirit. 

Now, the Spirit is Law and where there is Law there is liberty. Therefore, the ‘Letter’ or the documents that are protected by Law are still the same. The Old Will therefore, became perfected and made spiritual as a New Will in that the Covenants in the ‘letter’ or documents were fulfilled or realized becoming spiritual! 

The Covenants are still the same! The Law is still the same! However, the significance of the reality of the Spirit of Promise became manifested and NOW must be mentality realize in the heart and mind of man! 

“If the ministry of death (of animal sacrifices) in letters engraved on stones were given with glory…how shall the ministry of Spirit fail to be even more with glory?” In this case, the former, animal sacrifices have no glory as the glory of spiritual sacrifices surpasses it! This is our hope and why we can speak boldly. We do not have to be as Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the Sons could not look intently at the end of what was fading away because their minds were hardened. 

Until this very day at the reading of the Old Covenant that same veil remains unlifted for many because their minds are still hardened. The harden mind or the mind that rejects the renewal or restoration  and those Divine Principles of Spirit can only be removed (as one walks and have been enlightened) as a Christ. To walk as Christ and to have the mind of Christ is to enter into the Ark. 

Whenever Moses, the Law or the Commandments are read, a veil lies over the heart of the people. However, once the mind and heart has been renewed and one turns from that animalistic old man nature, the cloud of darkness is taken away. One can then enter into the Holy Place Beyond the Vail to where the Ark of the Covenant lies! 

Where the Spirit is there is liberty. Spirit in us unveils our face that we would receive ability to come into the true self as if looking in a mirror. Once we see ourselves acknowledging our hardened heart, Spirit can take the cloud from our eyes and we can 'See" to be transmuted into that Divine Image coming face to face with the Hope of our glory from glory to glory. 

The Sons are epistles which will be read by the World. They are ministers of a New Covenant, of a New Priesthood, of a New Living Way. This Priesthood was preordained from the foundations of the World. 

Not many will walk the way of the Firstborn and the Forerunners into the New Kingdom Age. All of the people are to be and will be read by all men. It is through them that the Divine Creator will be known and manifested in and to the world. 

So then, the Word of Truth must be revealed and written within our heart by the Spirit of Life and not carved with the permanent ink of the traditions of men. Otherwise, how can those, as Firstborn, Breakers of new and fallow ground, and the Foundation for the Kingdom Age, present the Living Spirit of Truth to the world if they are living under a clouded truth? How can the people share Sacrificial Love if they do not have love one for another? All people must be willing to let go of tradition and let go of the old to walk in the new. We must become pliable to Spirit for the changing times and not repeat the same mistakes of the past. 

However, Spirit continues to reveal the Mysteries of the Kingdom to those who seek after it. The Revelations being received today, if they are from ‘above’, can be verified through Spirit. Yet, the religious System and those who live under the veil of a clouded gospel perceive these truths as heresy, too intense or they insist, “Show me where it says that in the Bible.” 

We inheritors of the Promise, however, can be confident in that the true enlightened ones, the workers and walkers of Light today has been given Revelation and Truth for transition of all into this new age of spiritual awareness and consciousness. I say new because it is new to us, however, it has always been and will continue to be! The true Sons, the true Inheritors can recognize the Spirit of Truth and Scriptures that refer to them. The Sons are led by the Spirit. 

The Old and New Covenants are merely the basic guidelines and tutors to bring humans into Christhood and reveal our erroneous ways that we may change them to walk worthy of the vocation of which we have been called. This is the source of our justification. 

We are children of inheritance of the Covenant. We have obtained a more excellent ministry established on better promises. It is Spirit that brings the children into maturity as Sons and into the “New Man” by removing the veil of a clouded gospel. Through a new and living way that was established through crucifixion of our flesh into Christhood! 

The word (Truth) established or inaugurated means to conceive, to bring into existence, to achieve a purpose. That purpose is being accomplished in the Heirs of Promise, if we can only grasp and hold on to its concepts and Principles. 

Moses put a veil over his face so that the people could not see the end of what was fading away; however, the Sons have been sent without veiled faces given a pure revelation so that the veil of the clouded gospel may be removed. The way to maturity as Sons will be made clear to the inheritors. Therefore, the children of Promise may be able to see an unclouded, pure Gospel. This Gospel has been revealed especially for transformation and reformation into the New Kingdom Age of spiritual consciousness.

“Whenever a man has turned, having entered into the Ark, the veil is taken away.” When the veil is taken away, the children can enter into the Promise of Christhood shining in the brightness of Spirit that will reveal all that of which must pass away or be removed in our lives. 

Noah found grace and favor. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his line; Noah walked with G-D. Noah did according to all that he was commanded. Noah was instructed to enter the Ark with his entire household because Noah alone was found to be righteous in the Eyes of the Creator. 

The Ark is symbolic of one entering into Christhood or becoming enlightened. Noah turned from the world and he and his family was shut  inside the Ark. While inside the Ark, Noah and his family were protected. They found safety and deliverance inside the Ark. They were hidden in Christ. As Noah turned from the evils, the obstinate beastly and fleshly nature of Man entering into Christhood, so must we. 

The door was shut behind Noah. This door represents the carnal mind of old dark energies. Any door left open is a way for negativity and doubt to enter the mind. Carnal and intellectual knowledge of the traditions of man is an open door for negativism to enter. Any  information or thoughts taken into the conscious mind is instructive to the soul. Therefore, the mind must be closed to anything other than god-thought. 

In the prophetic sense, this open door is the image of the beast or the beastly mind. The beast is the unregenerate fleshly man who walks with a darkened consciousness. The carnal mind with open doors is the 'Abomination of Desolation' in a Holy Place. As long as someone is functioning in or standing in abomination of desolation of the mind, they cannot obtain the Mind of a Christ. Therefore, deceptions  and desolation that comes about by being separated and disjointed walking in that old dark energy of consciousness, will make one think that it is acceptable to practice those things that are unseemly or those things that are antichrist and those things that conjure hate and biases towards their brother. 

The definition of abomination is anything unlike Christ which separates man or that which detaches the connections to Divine Spirit and the Creator. 

Both the Hebrew and Greek thoughts for abomination are man’s customs, traditions and complying to that which is spiritually idolatrous and erroneous. 

The Abomination of Desolation in a Holy Place is a prophetic idiom which refers to the unregenerate temple (body, mind and soul) of man as a holy dwelling place. “What agreement has the ‘temple’ with idols? For we are the temple of the Living Spirit; just as the Creator said, ‘I will dwell in them and walk among them; and  I  will be their G-D, and they shall be My people’.” 

Once Noah was shut inside the Ark, the rains ascended and descended. The rainwater lifted the Ark. When the door has been closed and the children enter into the Ark of safety and redemption as a Christ, this is when the floods will come. 

It rained for forty days and forty nights. The number forty in Numerology represents the number of testing. The sons and daughters will be tried and tested. Yet, in the midst of those storms, if they have entered into the Ark, the downpours will cause them to be lifted up away from the storms of destruction. 

Noah, as he went through the floods and torrents was remembered. And the fountains of the deep and the flood gates of the sky were closed; the rain restrained and waters receded. Sometimes it seems as if the storms in this life never let up and that we are continually faced with one situation or another--and this is true. However, always know that what we do will be remembered. What we do, think and say invoke Spiritual Laws into action. We will reap whatever we sow. 

When one enters into the ark or  are awakened or put on the Mind of Christ walking therein, they will get rest and reprieve from the floods and storms in this life. This is exactly what Spirit is doing in restoring humans, in particular enlightening those who has awakened and the apostles and prophets. “If this counsel or work be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of the Creator, you will not be able to overthrow it.” Therefore, those who reject Divine Order and Divine System, those who have been enlightened and the apostles or prophets will find themselves in the precarious predicament of fighting against a Universal Divine Creator. These are they who have ignored the warnings, Truth and spiritual significance of the shift into Restoration, coming into the safety of Christhood.  These are they who look afar, holding onto the misconceptions that there is only one Christ and that they somehow commit sacrilege by enter into their inheritance of Christhood as eloheem.    They will drown in the traditions of men. 

It was interesting that the Ark landed in the seventh month on the seventeenth day. In the second month on the seventeenth day exactly one year to the date that Noah entered the Ark and the rains fell, the earth was dry. Not only does this story point to  Redemption, Restoration and Jubilee, it depicts the three most important Holy Sabbath Days of  consecration when the Firstborns went up to the Holy Mount. These Holy Sabbaths are the Feast of the Passover, the Feast of Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. 

This time also encompasses the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. Why are these Holy days so important? These Sabbaths are important because adherence and obedience to them will bring the people into their Spiritual Inheritance of Rest. They celebrate the remembrance of and show how the Creator took the people under divine care, guidance and protection. These Sabbaths represent the Firstborn Sons, the Sons  and their deliverance out of a hostile world of religious bondage. These Holy Convocations are a prophetic and spiritual fulfillment of  entering into the New Kingdom! 

There were eight souls saved from the deluge. The number eight represents the number of new beginnings in Numerology. Noah was a First. Noah was a Breaker. Breakers bring forth a new and better way with Revelation of the Word in order to break through into sacred history change. This is exactly what the Foundations of Zion-the enlightened one's will accomplish in this shift of spiritual consciousness. 

A new covenant was made with Noah. All that was evil was destroyed and Noah was entrusting with a new way. Noah became the first New Man. Noah was a Christ. We too must be willing to pay the price of being the First, those willing to put on the Mind of Christ at any cost, to break through to new and higher ground. 

In order to be a Breaker or follow the paths of a Breaker, the individual must have a pure heart and live a pure life in love and service to mankind. The Breakers are those who will break through to the heavenlies. Breakers will have and speak Truth. Breakers do not fall into the norm. Most often religious people reject those who have a Breakers spirit. It is a true fact that Breakers do not seem to fit in anywhere. Anyone who aspires to be a Breaker must first be awakened.  The difference in a Breaker or spiritual guide is their ability to follow and obey without fear and their capacity to receive, proclaim and execute Divine Knowledge and Counsel from a pure heart of Christ Consciousness. Breakers are free from a life of religious bondage. They have come out of  Egypt, gone through the Wilderness and are either in the process of being robed in or have completely put on the Mind of a Christ. I will say and continue to say that one is either antichrist or a Christ.

Just as Noah found grace so must the children seek grace continually so that they can give way to Spirit and enter into the Ark. Are you willing to lose your fleshly mind to put on the mind of Christ? Are you willing to humble yourselves to enter into the Ark? Will you continue to be attracted to the beauty of the daughters of men, taking wives and strange bedfellows of your choosing? When revelation of Light comes forth, will you have ability to walk into the spiritual aspects of it and receive the Testimony as a Christ? Or will you continue in the tradition of men, questioning those who have been sent responding a flood? Rain?  Catch the vision

Hotep Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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